Annual General Meeting.
For the JSNW to continue, we need you to vote in a new committee. Your Support is essential. Please come, and see how the Society is performing and have your say.
——– Saturday 3rd June @ 2:00 to 4:30 pm. ——–
This year we have a Talk by JSNW Chairman Samuel Rosen. The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations.
Free to Members.
Venue: Tim Parry Community Centre search for Cromdale Way Pre-School, Cromdale Way, Warrington WA5 3NY.
FOR CLARITY DO NOT GO TO the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace, on Peace Dr, just off Cromwell Avenue. This is not the venue.
Send enquiries to Nigel at JSNW events: events@jsnw.org.uk .
We need to know how many members will be attending. So let us know.