Note: Member Event only
Notice of Annual General Meeting
For the JSNW to continue, we need you to vote in a new committee.
Your Support is essential.
Please come, see how the Society is performing and have your say.
Saturday 29th June @ 2:00 to 4:30 pm
at Tim Parry Community Centre
search for: Cromdale Way Pre-School, Cromdale Way,
Warrington WA5 3NY
Please check your member emails for details. If you have not received an email (or are not a member but wish to join the society) please contact events@jsnw.org.uk.
This year we have a Talk About A Japanese Flag and its Story.
Presented by Andrew Clare – Free to Members.
“JSNW member, Andrew Clare, will talk about his quest to return a Japanese war flag to the family of a soldier who died during WWII.
With the assistance of photos, he will discuss how he came by the flag as a 19-year-old Royal Marine, how years later he managed to identify the soldier and trace the living relatives.”
Take the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions. Control the direction of the Society, and
Elect the new Committee.
The Society needs your support at this important meeting.
You will be updated on the Society’s finances, membership, and activities.
It is also your opportunity to question, praise, encourage (or lambaste!) those who organise events or carry out the ‘backroom’ activities that keep the society afloat.
We need more members to join the committee so do step forward, and please put your name forward at the AGM.
- Welcome & Introduction
- Approval of Minutes and Matters Arising
- Reports of Officers
- Audited Accounts for the Year
- Nominations to the Committee
- Election of Committee Members
- Any Other Business.
Followed by Coffee, Tea, and the Presentation by Andrew Clare.